
  • Elisa Lucarelli
  • Gladis Calvo
  • Patricia del Regno
  • María Donato
  • Claudia Finkelstein
  • Mónica Gardey
  • Martha Nepomneschi
  • Viviana Solberg


University Teaching, Profession, Clinic


This artic/e summarizes advances in the investigation of privileged spaces like C/inics in professional odontologica/ training. They al/ow us to consider how the construction of teaching sty/es occurs through the training of advanced-stage students in the deve/opment of patient care practices. Complementarily, we deal with the question about how those sty/es relate to the explicit purpose of the case introduced hereto (one of the departments under consideration) for promoting students' se/f­ sufficiency in the development of the professional practice.

The work was developed with information obtained in this Department through interviews with teachers, observations of theoretica/ classes, clinica/ sessions, questionnaires app/ied to students and the ana/ysis of documental material in three out of the six groups in which the department organizes its teaching activity. This al/owed us to take a better /ook at the features that the deve/opments of the teachers as we/1 as the activities of the students might assume in each space. The knowledge generated can be a contribution to the deve/opment of specific didactics at the university.

Teaching sty/e in the case of the department under consideration becomes especially evident in the styles that the teacher adopts regarding the practice of the odontologica/ profession that the student develops at the c/inics; i.e., the ways he or she deals with the task of intervention within this space. ln this sense, we can recognize different methods of teacher intervention re/ated to the observation and supervision of the students' work with the patient, as we/1 as methods of teacher intervention that take place when being direct/y involved in the patient assistance provided by the students.

Our interest now is to recognize how the teacher works when he or she takes part in the odontological practice that the student develops with the patient.


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How to Cite

Lucarelli, E., Calvo, G., Regno, P. del, Donato, M., Finkelstein, C., Gardey, M., … Solberg, V. (2006). TEACHING IN CLINICS: A LOOK AT UNDERSTANDING THE STYLES OF THE UNIVERSITY TEACHER. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (21). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reveducacao/article/view/210


