External evaluation and its impact on a school with low performance
External evaluation, Public policies, Schoolchildren’s performance, Evaluation systemAbstract
This article shows the results of research that investigated the repercussions of the State of São Paulo Schoolchildren’s Performance Evaluation System in a public school with low performance, and analyzed the actions implemented by different agents involved in the educational system to improve these ratings. The research structure considered the following information collection instruments: report cards and State of São Paulo Schoolchildren’s Performance Evaluation
System report; field journal and semi-structured interview with teachers, educational facilitators and regional educational leaders. The data triangulation technique was used, with a descriptive and interpretive analysis, which showed that State of São Paulo Schoolchildren’s Performance Evaluation System has not contributed substantially to improving the quality
of education, since there are disagreements among the educational agents’ views about this test - effect of non-
-cooperative posture of work.
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