
  • Ana Carolina Galvão Marsiglia
  • Celso Socorro Oliveira


Historical-Dialectic Materialism, Historical-Critical Pedagogy, Prejudice, Social Inequality


Since education is a type of work, it serves to mankind constitution, that is, it is devoted to guarantee the knowledge appropriation that contributes to individual humanization. The historical-critical pedagogy, based on the historical-dialectic materialism, has the compromise to transform society, and organizes its methodological proposal into five interdependent moments that start from social individual practice and transform it by a pedagogical action, giving individuals a new acting perspective in society. This project has been developed in a first grade class of a State school of Bauru city, SP, with twenty six students ages ranging from seven to nine years old, with the objective that
they understand prejudice and inequalities within the social-historical view, where man is the main actor of his own reality. Based on the results obtained, one may affirm that knowledge was assimilated, and a new step toward the concept of ethnics, and toward the recognition of the social-historical implications of the pre-established and re-affirmed-as-natural inequalities, was achieved.


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How to Cite

Marsiglia, A. C. G., & Oliveira, C. S. (2007). RESPECTING THE DIFFERENCES OR PERPETUATING THE INEQUALITIES: WHAT ARE WE DOING AT SCHOOL?. Revista De Educação PUC-Campinas, (23). Retrieved from


