The fiction of myth as a hermeneutics of existence




Hermeneutics, Mircea Eliade, Paul Ricoeur, Religion


The paper presents the fiction of myth as hermeneutics of existence, suggesting the reading of myths as founding texts, i.e., saturated with meaning, for reconfiguration of subjectivity crisis. According to Mircea Eliade’s intuitions regarding the study of myth, also to Paul Ricoeur’s ontological aspect of hermeneutics, this paper pointed to the human intentionality of creating meanings as a result of the fiction of temporality by imagination. Such fiction, a cut in the flesh by the verb, values religious language as a form of world knowledge, insofar as it organizes, through metaphorical potency, the consciousness of broken ontology. The conception of myth presented in this paper presupposes Paul Ricoeur’s imaginary work regarding the
narrative organization of the world, opening a new horizon for understanding the function of religious myths. The paper concludes the task of the hermeneutics of existence by suggesting a metaphorical interpretation of myths, imbued with deep meaning fictions, placing it in an original and comprehensive experience in Philosophy of Religion.


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Author Biography

Vitor Chaves de Souza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Departamento de Ciências das Religiões.


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How to Cite

de Souza, V. C. (2022). The fiction of myth as a hermeneutics of existence. Reflexão, 47.



Seção Temática: Ficção e imaginação no mundo das religiões