The temporality in the constitution of the conscience in sartrean anthropology


  • Márcio Danelon


Sartre, intentionality, temporality, cosnsciousness


The aim of this paper is to show the Sartre’s ontology phenomenogical as a study of the conscience, specifically, in the
intentionally structure and temporality showing the nothing as the primordiality feature of the conscience. For it, we present, at
the first moment the anthropological character of phenomenological ontology sartrian, developing, at the second moment, about the process of neantisasion of the conscience, such as Sartre present in La Trancendence de l’Ego and L’Être et le Néant, to, at the third moment, show the structure of temporality for conscience, in its dimensions of past, present and future like temporally entreaties in that the conscience fetches the synthesis utopian, of its-self in the process of found a substance in it-self.From these thesis, the conclusion of the sartrian ontology affront with the emergency of the only possibility that the conscience fin to bild it-self a substance or an identity principle: the death.


Author Biography

Márcio Danelon


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How to Cite

Danelon, M. (2015). The temporality in the constitution of the conscience in sartrean anthropology. Reflexão, 30(87). Retrieved from


