From the freudian psychanalysis to existential psychoanalysis of Jean-Paul Sartre


  • Virgínia Ferreira


unconscious, intentionality, freedom


The paper has the scope to represent the differences between the freudian psichoanalysis and the existential psichoanalisys,
especially those that derived from the fundamental concepts of unconscious by Freud and of freedom proposed by Sartre. As
the concepts are contrary, maybe the freudian subject does not enter in the sartrean subject and vice-versa. According to
Sartre, freedom, chosen and conscience are the same thing. According to Freud, the unconscious reigns sovereign, separating the subject from the conscience when the chosen unconscious impose it. Therefore, or the subject is free in order to make its choices or will be destinied to make them by reasons he disowned: unconscious reasons. If the mobiles and the reasons of the
action of a subject are aware, or if they are unconscious , in both the subject is intentional, because, according to Freud, there
isn’t nothing that is in the unconscious that not result of a voluntary effort.


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Author Biography

Virgínia Ferreira


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How to Cite

Ferreira, V. (2015). From the freudian psychanalysis to existential psychoanalysis of Jean-Paul Sartre. Reflexão, 30(87). Retrieved from


