The sartrean reading of Husserl: the chapter 4º of L’imagination


  • Ildeu M. Coêlho


content, innovation, method, radicalization of phenomenology


Based on the reading of the fourth chapter of L’imagination, this article shows how Sartre sees Husserl’s fundamental contribution to the constitution of a new theory of image, in which methodological and content innovations are viewed as inseparable. Upon radicalizing Husserl’s ideas, Sartre enables the constitution of phenomenological psychology and of a new ontology
besides proving himself an authentic Husserlian.


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Author Biography

Ildeu M. Coêlho


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How to Cite

Coêlho, I. M. (2015). The sartrean reading of Husserl: the chapter 4º of L’imagination. Reflexão, 30(87). Retrieved from


