Philosophical perspectives of the essence of science and technology


  • Paulo Schneider


Philosophy, Science, Technology, Idea, Beauty


This paper deals with the perspectives of Heisenberg and Heidegger’s philosophical conceptions of Science and Technology. Heisenberg
relates scientific questions in Physics to the inexplicable and progressive arising of intuitions of totality, like it happens in Arts, what subsequently will be developed as rational explanations and technical operations in Mathematics. This embodies in itself all the results achieved by former scientific advances. Heidegger, in his turn, while admitting the general transformation promoted by post-positivistic Science, argues that it remains necessarily tied to the conception of the objectifying metaphysical scheme, having to count on the character of inaccessibility and unsurmountableness of the world ever previously given as possibility of comprehension.


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Author Biography

Paulo Schneider


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How to Cite

Schneider, P. (2015). Philosophical perspectives of the essence of science and technology. Reflexão, 34(96). Retrieved from


