The compassion as overcoming and new sense of the eternal justice in Schopenhauer


  • José Fernando da Silva


pity, eternal justice, willpessism, egoism, punishment


This pdper intends to study the relationship between the concepts of pity and eternal justice in the Shopenhauer 's thought. We
intend to develop the following hypothesis: not only is there a necessary relationship between the concepts, but also this
necessary relationship is shown in two different aspects. On one hand, if a conception of eternal justice àbove to the world is the beginning of a mystical experience and it conducts the man to pity, on the other hand the one who is àble to reach the metdphysical (moral) stage constructs a new sense to eternal justice.


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Author Biography

José Fernando da Silva


JANAWAY, Christopher. 1989. Self and world ir, Schopenhauer 's philosophy, Oxford, Clarendon press.

ROSSET, Clément. 2001. Ecrit sur Schopenhauer, Paris, PUF.

SCHOPENHAUER. 1974. Arthur, Parerga and Paralipomena vol. II, Oxford, Oxford University press.

. 2001. Sobre o fundamento da moral, São Paulo, Martins Fontes.

. 1966a. The world as will and representation vol. 1, New York, Dover Books.

. 1966b. The world as will and representation vol. 2., New York, Dover Books.



How to Cite

Silva, J. F. da. (2015). The compassion as overcoming and new sense of the eternal justice in Schopenhauer. Reflexão, 31(90). Retrieved from


