The influence of Stoic philosophy in the work of Adamantios Coray


  • Maria Protopapas-Marneli


Education, language, instruction, Stoicism, Zenon, Greek Enlightenment, Coray, Hippocratic Corpus


Adamantios Coray, founder of the Greek Enlightenment, was also its most important figure. He valued the clearness of expression in discourse, as well as the education of Greek youth through the paradigm of Ancient Greek resources. That was the reason why Coray, even settled at Paris, was lively interested in the translation of Ancient Greek texts, especially to Modern Greek and French, beginning with the Hippocratic Corpus, due to his medical expertise. Afterward, he dedicated himself to all the poetic, historical, literary and philosophical Greek texts and had a spectacular production of commentated and translated texts editions. Coray’s personality, along with his life and works present surprisingly resonances with the ones of Zenon of Citium, founder of Stoicism. The present text, considering these very resemblances between both thinkers, intends to narrow then in order to reveal the Stoic influences in the entire Coray’s work.



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How to Cite

Protopapas-Marneli, M. (2015). The influence of Stoic philosophy in the work of Adamantios Coray. Reflexão, 33(93). Retrieved from


