Passion for mystery, passion for the world




To think viscerally and passionately about the mystery and the world at the time of the death of God is the tireless task of one of the most powerful theologians in the contemporary Latin American theological scene: Maria Clara Luchhetti
Bingemer. His vast work woven by threads as distinct as Fundamental Theology, Eschatology, Theological Anthropology, Mysticism, and Theopoetics, when thought of in the larger horizon of the tapestry he knew how to design, makes a striking result visible: passionate hands wove it. Curiously, in a text where she comments on the reflection that Simone Weil elaborates on the importance of myths, a thinker to whom she devoted herself ostensibly, Maria Clara describes the posture that the mystery itself, due to its excessive nature, demands: all hermeneutics that seeks to approach it require contemplation. The mystery in its heap of meaning occurs in the
flesh-fabric of the world. For this very reason, it requires a type of inquiry that, in the specific case of our theologian, translates into a miniature attention. Your theological reflection is done with your fingertips.


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How to Cite

Almeida, E. F. de, Cappelli, M., Boas, A. V., & Serrato, A. (2024). Passion for mystery, passion for the world. Reflexão, 49.


