Karl Popper e os dois programas da sociologia do conhecimento
According to Popper, the main task of a theory of method is not to clarify the limits and rules of all possible science; rather, it is to set up the agenda for a criticism of the actual, existing science. In other words, methodology aims at propounding rules and criteria by means of which one can evaluate the effective development of that social enterprise called science. This way of understanding the methodological reflectton presupposes a link between philosophy of science and socÊology of knowledge that is clearly different from the one discussed by a number of detractors and defendants of the latter.
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Idem, p. 154.
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Idem, p. 2017 (vol. II).
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K. Popper (1945). The Open Society..., op. cit., p. 217 (vol. II)
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Idem, p. 92.
T. Kuhn (1971). "Notas sobre Lakatos". In: Historiade lacienciaesus reconstruciones Racionales. Madrid: Tecnos, 1974. p. 85.
Idem, p.86.
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