
  • Renato SCHAEFFER


The objective of this paper is to defend Searle's concept of language. First, the two predominant trends in the philosophy
of language - here called internalism (Chomsky and Fodor) and externalism (Ryle and Wittgenstein) - are put face to face.
These maior trends are then argued to be unsatisfactory as explanations of meaning. Searle's view is presented as a third alternative; language is a,species of the genus intentional action, this genus being characterized in terms of conditions
of satisfaction represented in the mental content of the action. The agent has, following Pred, non-observational awareness
of this content. The species language is analysed as imposition of meaning, i.e., imposition of (semantic) conditions of
satisfaction on other (physical) conditions of satisfaction of the action.


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L. Wittgen stein, Investigações filosóficas (tradução de José Carlos Bruni, São Paulo: Abril, 1979 - Os Pensadores), p.222.

G. Rylo, The eoncept of mind (Londres: Hutchinson, 1949), p.30.

Op. cit. Citado por J. Fodor om Representations (Cambridge, Ma: The MIT Press/A Bradford Book, 1981), p.71.

N. Chomsky, Rules and representations (Nova Iorque: Columbia University Press, 1980), p.244.,

Op. cit., p.66.

Op. cit., p.241.

Op. cit., p.236.

Op. cit., $ 65 e 67.

Op. cit., p.253

Cf. J. Searle, "Chomsky revolution in linguistics", Hamburger Phonetische Beitrage 13(1974)85-1 16, pp. 106ss.

J. Locke, Ensaio acerca do entendimento humano (tradução de Anoar Aiex, São Paulo: Abril, 1978 - Os Pensadores), Livro III, cap.2.

Por exemplo, op. cit., $ 19.

Cf. R. McDonough, "Towards a non-mechanistic theory of meaning-, Mind 98, 389(jan 1989) 1-21.

G. P. Baker e P. M. 5. Hacker, Scepticism, rules and language (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985), p.29.

E. Tugendhat, Traditional and analytic philosophy (tradução do P. A. Gorner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), p.152.

J. R. Searle, Intentionality: an e66ay in the phil080phy of mind (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985).

G. H. von Wright, Explanation and understanding (Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971), p.115.

Op. cit., $ 621.

R. J. Prod, "Introduction to a theory of intentional processos", tese de doutorado pela University of California, Berkeley, 1983.

Op. cit., cap.IO - Epilogue: Intentionality and the brain.

L. Wittgenstein, Zettel (Oxford, Blackwell, 1967), $ 608 . Citado por Chomsky, op. cit., p. 171, e por McDonough, op. cit., p.2.



How to Cite

SCHAEFFER, R. (2024). LINGUAGEM NATURAL E MENTE. Reflexão, 17(51/52). Retrieved from