“Oltri i margini”: elements for a theory of the person at Max Picard


  • Jean-Luc Egger


person, image, silence, substance, human, dignity, phenomenon, regard, face


The article offers some elements for reflection tracing the outline of a theory of the person in the work of Max Picard. A theory which, coming from the Swiss philosopher, should be understood in the original sense of views and attention to that which appears, and which therefore assumes in relation to the person, a very particular heuristic value if one accepts (as the history of the word suggests) that the person is also built around appearance. The critique of physiognomy and the analysis of the visual dimension of silence, as expressed in
the face, allows Picard to go beyond all reductionism and trace the outline of human dignity and personal depth inscribed in the phenomenological order itself. The result is a reassessment of the ontological status of man, but at the same time a redefinition of the notion of image. From that point on, the Picardian view of the person also becomes an implicit criticism of the logic of the overexposure of the visible, which seems to dominate man’s contemporary approach, whether at the scientific level or in the society of ‘image’. 


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How to Cite

Egger, J.-L. (2024). “Oltri i margini”: elements for a theory of the person at Max Picard. Reflexão, 32(91). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/reflexao/article/view/10929