
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original and unpublished, and it is not currently undergoing evaluation for publication in any other journal. If that is not the case, justify it in “Comments to the editor".
  • The file is in Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, or RTF formats.
  • Links to the references were informed whenever possible
  • The text is in single space, size 12, and it uses italics rather than underlined pieces of text (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, and not in annexes
  • The text complies with the bibliographic requirements and style patterns described in the Instructions for Authors found in the page About the Journal.
  • If the submission is subjected to peer review (articles, for instance), it complies with the instructions found in Ensuring a bling peer review.

Author Guidelines

Instructions to Authors

Reflexão is a specialized journal open to contributions from the scientific communities in Brazil and abroad and edited by the Religious Studies Graduate Program, which is situated in the Center for Applied Humanities and Social Sciences of Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Campinas. Founded in 1975, the journal publishes articles that contribute to the scientific study and development of Religious Studies, Theology, and its sub-areas and interfaces. In 2019, the journal adopted the continuous publication system.


Tipos de artigos aceitos

Reflexão publishes original articles by PhD researchers and candidates from different national and international graduate programs in Religious Studies, Theology, and similar areas, that are framed in the perspectives of the journal’s descriptors and boundaries. The journal does not consider academic advisors as co-authors in texts. For co-authored articles, at least one of the authors must hold a PhD.

Articles must be 15 to 25-pages long (around 40.000 to 60.000 characters with spaces). Communications must be between 5 and 10-pages-long (approximately 10.000 to 20.000 characters with spaces) and book reviews must have a maximum of 5 pages (up to 10.000 characters with spaces). The publication of longer texts might be authorized by the Editorial Board and such assessment must be requested as an observation in the submission process. All texts must be corrected before submission. Translations require the authorization of the copyrights’ holder in order to be published.

The structure of the journal contains the following sections: editorial, dossier, thematic section, articles of free theme, communication, book reviews, and, occasionally, presentations, translations, theses, and dissertations.


Manuscript Submission

All articles must be submitted online

All articles must be submitted exclusively online through PUC-Campinas’s Portal of Scientific Journals <>, following the subsequent steps:

a) Visit the website <>.

b) Choose “Reflexão”.

c) Click on “View Journal” [Acessar a Revista].

d) In the journal’s webpage, click on “Login” [Acesso]

e) If it is your first access, fill in the personal data in “Register” [Cadastro]. If you have already registered, fill in the fields “Login” and “Password”.

f) To submit works, follow the instructions in the system.

Editors will not evaluate manuscripts sent by conventional mail, e-mail, or any other form of submission. The names of all the authors/co-authors of the submitted article must be included.


Manuscript evaluation process

Only original manuscripts that comply with the Instructions for Authors will proceed to evaluation. Otherwise, manuscripts will be returned to authors for the appropriate adjustments, inclusion of letters or other documents that may be necessary.

Articles containing mistakes, morphological or syntactic problems will be returned before they are submitted to assessment regarding the merit of the work or the convenience of its publication.

Pre-analysis: Editors and Counselors will assess articles in terms of their originality, pertinence, academic quality, and relevance for the areas of publication. Manuscripts may be rejected without detailed commentaries in the first analysis given their inadequacy or insufficient scientific priority for publication in the journal.

Manuscripts approved in this stage will be sent to ad hoc referees selected by the editors. Each manuscript will be sent to two referees of acknowledged competence in the theme. In case of disagreement, the manuscript will be sent to a third referee.

The peer review process used by the journal is the double-blind review, a confidential process as to the identity of both authors and referees. Authors must employ all the means possible to avoid identifying themselves in the text.

The opinions of the referees may indicate: a) approval for publication; b) the need for a new analysis; c) refusal. Authors will be notified regardless of the results.

The referees’ opinions will be analyzed by the Editors, who will approve or reject the manuscript for publication.

Accepted manuscripts: manuscripts accepted for publication may be returned to the authors for notifying alterations made during the editing and formatting processes, according to the journal’s style.

Rejected manuscripts that can be reformulated may be submitted again as a new manuscript and undergo a new process of submission and assessment.


Conflict of interest

If any conflict of interest is identified on the part of the referees, the Editorial Board will send the manuscript to another ad hoc referee.



All submitted articles will be screened using the plagiarism detection tool CrossCheck before the peer review process.


Preparing the manuscript

Editorial procedures

Reflexão accepts original articles accompanied by a letter signed by all authors, which must identify the type of the article (original, bibliographic or theoretical review, essay, communication, book review, translation), affirm its exclusive submission to Reflexão, and license its copyrights.

The letter must inform the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mails of the authors, as well as to which author the correspondence should be sent.

When reproducing previously published material in the manuscript (including texts, graphs, tables, images, or any other material), the current legislation of copyrights must be respected and the source must be cited.


Revised versions

The author should send only the revised version of the work via the website <>. The modifications made must be underlined, in blue, and accompanied by a letter to the editor restating the interest in publishing in the journal and informing about the changes performed in the manuscript. If the author disagrees with the reviewers’ recommendations, he/she should present arguments to justify his/her position. If the author does not send the revised manuscript and reply letter in the previously set deadline, the editorial process will be terminated regardless of the stage of the submission.

Proofs: PDF proofs/tests will be sent to authors for correction of the final art of the manuscript. The proofs must be returned to the Editing Center of the Journal within the given deadline. Other changes to the manuscript will not be accepted during that stage.


Manuscripts must include

Cover page (the only part of the text where authors should identify themselves)

a) Complete title, in a concise fashion and avoiding excessive words.

b) Short title with up to 40 characters (including spaces), in Portuguese or Spanish, English or French.

c) The full names of all authors and their institutional affiliations. Only one title and institutional affiliation will be accepted per author. Therefore, the authors should choose one of their titles and institutional affiliations. Observation: if the author is not currently affiliated to any institution, he or she should inform the professional activity, city, and state.

d) All the data regarding titles and affiliations must not contain any abbreviations.

e) Indicate the full address of the institutions the authors are affiliated to.

f) Indicate the mailing address of the responsible author (if there is more than one author for the piece), including telephone and fax numbers, as well as electronic address.

g) Inform the contribution made by each author, for example, who contributed to the study conception, project, data analysis and interpretation, writing the article or critically reviewing its intellectual content, and approval of the final version to be published, etc. Contributions might be informed in a generalized fashion if all the authors contributed to all stages of the article.

h) Inform the ORCID® (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) record number. If you do not have one, register for free at: <>.


Other Observations

Abstract: All articles submitted in Portuguese or Spanish must contain an abstract both in the original language and in English, with at least 150 words and at most 250 words.

Articles submitted in English must contain an abstract, title, and keywords in Portuguese in addition to the ones in English.

Text: The text must contain: Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion, as well as other parts/sections in accordance with the nature of the work and without sequential numbering.

Introduction: Must contain an updated literature review pertinent to the theme and appropriate to the presentation of the problem, emphasizing its relevance.

Conclusion: Present the relevant conclusions, considering the objectives of the work, and indicate ways to continue the study. Bibliographic citations will not be accepted in this section.

A maximum of five tables, charts, and figures is permitted. All illustrations must contain a brief title, be numbered with Arabic numerals in a consecutive and independent manner, according to their appearance in the text. Send those in separate and individual sheets, indicating their location in the text. The text must contain information regarding the place and year of the study. Charts and tables must be open laterally.

The author is responsible for the quality of the illustrations (drawings, illustrations, tables, charts, and graphs), which must be elaborated with one or two columns (7 cm and 15 cm, respectively); the landscape format is not accepted. Digital illustrations must come in the jpeg extension file and have the minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

The maximum number of illustrations accepted per article is 5 (five), regardless of type.

Abbreviations: should be used in a standardized fashion and restricted to those used conventionally or sanctioned by use, followed by the meaning in full when it is first mentioned in the text. They must not be used in the title and abstract.

Acknowledgments: may be made in a paragraph no bigger than three lines to institutions or individuals who actually collaborated with the work.

Attachments: should be included only when they are essential to the understanding of the text. The editors will decide upon the need of their publication.


Orientation for citations, references, and footnotes

Citations in the text: must be included in the references’ section.

Citations/references of undergraduate monographs and unpublished texts (classes among others) will not be accepted.

If an unpublished work written by one of the authors of the manuscript is cited as an in press article, it is necessary to include a letter of acceptance from the journal that will publish that article. If unpublished data obtained by other researchers is cited, it will be necessary to include a letter authorizing the use of such data by the original authors.


Specific cases

1) Literal citations of up to three lines: use quotation marks, normal size font, and follow it with information in brackets (Author’s last name, date, page, with spaces between the dot and the number). Period after the brackets. 

2) Literal citations of more than three lines: use a paragraph separate from the text, with a 4cm indent in the left, single spacing, font size smaller than the one used in the text, and no italics or quotation marks. Followed it with information in brackets: (Author’s last name, date, page).

3) Several authors cited sequentially: use the documents’ dates of publication  in chronological order and separated by semicolon: (Crespo, 2005; Costa; Ramalho, 2008; Moresi et al., 2010).

4) Texts with two authors: Crippa e Bisoffi (2010) (in the body of the text); (Crippa; Bisoffi, 2010) (in brackets).

5) Texts with more than three authors: (Griselda et al., 2009) (in brackets) and Griselda et al. (2009) (not in brackets).

6) Citations of the same author and published in the same year: add a lowercase letter after the date, without space. Example: (Morin, 2000a, 2000b).



References should be written in accordance with the NBR-6023/2018. It is recommended a maximum of 30 references for articles, except for bibliographic reviews, which might present around 50 references. References must be in alphabetical order, starting from the first author’s last name.


Specific cases

1) Indicate the full names of the journals.

2) References with the same authors and dates are distinguished by the documents’ titles in order and by a lowercase letter added after the date, without spaces.

3) For references with more than three authors, indicate only the first author, adding the expression et al.

4) For different books by the same author, the entry will be repeated and underlining will not be employed.

The accuracy and suitability of the references cited in the article are the author’s full responsibility.

For other examples, we recommend consulting the rules of ABNT-NBR-6023/2018.



Single-author articles

Fernandes, S. R. A. Interfaces entre juventude e vocação: uma análise qualitativa no Rio de Janeiro. Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira, v. 69, n. 274, p. 361-387, 2009


Articles with two authors

Birman, P.; Machado, C. A violência dos justos: evangélicos, mídia e periferias da metrópole. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, v. 27, n. 80, p. 55-69, 2012.


Electronic Articles

Rocha, C.; Vasquez, M. A. O Brasil na nova cartografia global da religião. Religião & Sociedade, v. 34, n. 1, p. 13-37, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jun. 2014..



Oliveira, P. A. R. Religião e dominação de classes: gênese, estrutura e função do catolicismo romanizado no Brasil. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1985.


Electronic Books

Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Parto, aborto e puerpério: assistência humanizada à mulher. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2001. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 nov. 2010.


Book Chapters

Rosado Nunes, M. J. A sociologia da religião. In: Usarki, F. (org.). O espectro disciplinar da ciência da religião. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2007. p. 97-119.


Electronic Book Chapters

Vieira, M. A. C. O trabalho engrupado na organização do Divino Pai Eterno. In: Esterci, N. (org.). Cooperativismo e coletivização no campo: questões sobre a prática da Igreja Popular no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais, 2008. p. 88-103. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jun. 2015.


Gênesis. InBíblia on-line. 2008. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2014.


Theses and Dissertations

Corazza, H. Educomunicação: caminhos e perspectivas na formação pastoral: experiência do Serviço à Pastoral da Comunicação (SEPAC). 2015. Tese (Doutorado em Interfaces Sociais da Comunicação) -  Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2015.


Works presented in congresses, seminars, etc.

Padilha, W. Educação popular e atenção à saúde. In: Seminário sobre a Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde, 1., 2006, Brasília. Anais [...]. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde, 2009. p. 58-60.


Works presented in congresses, seminars, etc., in electronic media 

Amaral, M. S.; Pinho, J. A. G. Sociedade da informação e democracia: procurando a accountability em portais municipais da Bahia. In: Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 32., 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais eletrônicos [...]Rio de Janeiro: EnANPAD, 2008. 1 CD-ROM.


Vasconcelos, P. L. Messianismos: problemas de um conceito. In: Conferência Nacional ANPTECRE, 3., 2011,  São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos [...]. São Paulo: ANTPTECRE, 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16  jun. 2015.


Electronic texts

Cieglinski, I A. Bíblia é o livro mais lido e Monteiro Lobato o escritor mais admirado, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 mar. 2013.



Footnotes must be written in size 10 and contain substantive complementary information. Footnotes containing only references are not allowed. Avoid excessive footnotes so that the reader is not distracted from the main text. The numbers in the body of the text (remissive) must appear before punctuation.


In the text: José Lourenço Gomes da Silva becomes friends with Father Cícero and goes into an order of penitents who practice self-flagellation in cemeteries, in rituals to purify the spirit[1]


[1] Penitent orders make a religious and lay job of praying for the dead and for the souls in purgatory during their night meetings. They pray in cemeteries, crosses along their way, watch in vigils and funerals, accompany burials, sing blessings, the Incelanças.



- Declaration of responsibility and copyrights transference signed by each authors.

- Check if the information regarding the tables and figures is complete.

- Prepare a cover page with the required information.

- Include financing agencies and the number of the process.

- Indicate if the article is based on a dissertation/thesis, inserting its title, institution, and year of obtainment of the degree in a footnote.

- Classify articles into Original, Bibliographic or Theoretical Review, Essay, Communication, Book Review, Translation.

- Include the title of the manuscript in Portuguese, Spanish or French, and in English.

- Include short title with up to forty characters for the captions in each page.

- Check if references are cited in the text.

- Include the editors’ permission for reproducing published illustrations (pictures, figures, tables, etc.).




Declaration of Responsibility 

Each author must read and sign the document (1) Declaration of Responsibility, which must contain:

- Title of the manuscript:

- Full names of the authors (in the same order that they appear in the manuscript).

- Author responsible for the negotiations:

1. Declaration of responsibility: all individuals listed as authors must sign declarations of responsibility in the following terms:

- “I hereby certify that I participated in the conception of the work and make public my responsibility for its content. I did not omit any connections of financing agreements between the authors and companies that might be interest in publishing this article”;

- “I hereby certify that the manuscript is original and that the full work or parts of it, as well as any other work with substantially similar content and of my authorship was not and will not be sent to another printed or electronic journal, as long as its publication is being considered by Reflexão”.


Author(s) Signature(s)


Date: ____/____ /____




Campus I – Núcleo de Editoração SBI – Prédio Antiga Reitoria – Sala 8 

Rua Prof. Dr. Euryclides de Jesus Zerbini, 1516, Parque Rural Fazenda Santa Cândida – 13087-571  – Campinas – SP – Brasil

Phone/Fax: 55 (19) 3343-7401 / 7223


Website Home Page:



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Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed to the journal will be used exclusively for services related to the publication and are not offered to third-parties or made available for other finalities.