University campuses and morphological transformation in small cities
Spatial configuration, Spatial Syntax, Urban growth, UniversitiesAbstract
The decentralization of higher education institutions and their implantation in small cities tends to produce different impacts. University campuses act as traffic generating hubs, changing the socio-spatial dynamics of cities based on such undertakings and, above all, by
the actions commanded by the real estate market. This
article aims to analyze the transformations in the spatial
configuration of small cities from the implementation of
this teaching equipment. Our question is: what are the
possible consequences of the implantation of university
campuses in the evolution of the spatial configuration
of small cities? The methodology adopts the spatial
modeling through the Spatial Syntax theory. Syntactic
analysis is a systematic way of reading the structure of
cities and their dynamics, allowing the understanding
of the configurational properties of the city under study
and its changes over the years. The empirical study of
the work is the city of Frederico Westphalen, Rio Grande
do Sul state, Brazil, analyzed in four periods of its urban
growth. The syntactic measures of Global Integration,
Local, and Choice are used as indicators of accessibility
and configurational centrality. The results show an impact of the growth of the urban network in the regions close to the analyzed campuses, with characteristics of discontinuity and fragmentation.
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