Intake of antioxidants nutrients by pregnant womem: Associated factors


  • Luiz Gonzaga Ribeiro SILVA NETO Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Marilene Brandão TENÓRIO Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Raphaela Costa FERREIRA Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Alane Cabral Menezes de OLIVEIRA Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Antioxidant, Food consumption, Nutrients, Pregnancy


To evaluate the intake of antioxidant nutrients by pregnant women being cared for in the Brazilian public health system and associated factors.

A cross-sectional study was carried out with pregnant women cared for in the public health system in the city of Maceió, Brazil, in 2014, including 385 pregnant women and their newborns, and the collection of maternal information (socioeconomic, personal, prenatal, dietary and anthropometric data), and after the babies’ birth (gestational age, birth weight and length). Food intake was assessed by two 24-hour dietary reminders per pregnant woman with subsequent adjustments by the Estimated Average Requirement method. Data were processed and Pearson’s correlation was used to evaluate associations, considering p<0.05 as signifi cant.

A total of 388 pregnant women with a mean age of 24.06±5.92 years were studied, with inadequate intake and high variation of the following antioxidants: vitamin A (83.2%/62.7%), vitamin C (50.5%/75.7%), vitamin E (76.5%/60.2%), Selenium (60.8%/50.3%), Copper (98.5%/42.8%) and Zinc (79.6%/43.4%), respectively. Additionally, the following associations were observed: the intake of vitamin A (p=0.02), Copper (p=0.01), and Selenium (p=0.01) with the maternal Body Mass Index; the intake of vitamin A (0.04) and Selenium (p=0.02) with the birth weight; and between vitamin A (p=0.04) with the birth length.

The low intake of antioxidant nutrients by pregnant women is a reality, being associated to the maternal Body Mass Index and the birth weight and length of the newborn. 


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Como Citar

Gonzaga Ribeiro SILVA NETO, L. ., Brandão TENÓRIO, M. ., Costa FERREIRA, R. ., & Cabral Menezes de OLIVEIRA, A. . (2023). Intake of antioxidants nutrients by pregnant womem: Associated factors. Revista De Nutrição, 31(4). Recuperado de

