Dietary supplementation with camu-camu and continuous exercises in the treatment of obesity
Body weight, Diet, reducing, ObesityAbstract
The goal of this study were to investigate the effects of continuous exercise with/or without the ingestion the Camu-camu pulp in a rat model of obesity.
Neonate male Wistar rats, receiving monosodium glutamate, subcutaneously were separated into foour groups: sedentary group S (no treatment), exercise group E (continuous swimming training), Camu-camu group C (25mL of pulp of Camu-camu/day) and exercise and Camu-camu group EC (25mL of pulp of Camu-camu/day, continuous swimming). After 12 weeks, the animals were received euthanasia.
The exercise program was conducted for five days for 12 weeks and the effects of supplementation with or without Camu-camu in obese rats were analyzed, showing that the relative levels of the variables cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density Lipoprotein and in all groups there was a significant reduction (p<0.001), except for the control group. Body weight and feed intake, epididymal and visceral fat deposits were not significantly different between the means of groups C and E, but these groups showed a significant difference when compared to the EC group (p<0.001).
The results demonstrate the effectiveness of continuous exercise and diet supplemented with Camu-camu fruit pulp to control obesity.
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