Food habits of hypertensive and diabetics cared for in a Primary Health Care service in the South of Brazil


  • Lena Azeredo de LIMA Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa em Atenção Primária
  • Fúlvio Borges NEDEL Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maria Teresa Anselmo OLINTO Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Julio BALDISSEROTTO Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Palabras clave:

Chronic disease, Primary Health Care, Diabetes Mellitus, Food habits, Hypertension


Describe the eating habits of hypertensive and diabetic individuals, classify their adequacy according to the Ministry of Health’s Food Guide for the Brazilian Population and determine the association between adequate diet and the health problems under investigation.

Descriptive study from the baseline of a longitudinal study begun in 2011, with a sample of hypertensive and diabetic patients from a Primary Health Care facility in Southern Brazil, interviewed at home.

A total of 2,482 people were interviewed, of which 66.5% were hypertensive, 6.5% diabetic and 27.1% suffered from hypertension and diabetes. Of those interviewed, 29.6% had inadequate eating habits, 46.9% partially inadequate and 23.4% had adequate diets. Low fiber intake was identified along with high consumptionof soda, sugar, salt and saturated fat. The most adequate diet was associated with poor health status and the prevalence of inadequate diet was 30.0% higher among those who were only hypertensive.

According to Ministry of Health guidelines, the eating habits of diabetic and hypertensive subjects are inadequate. The association between adequate diet and the health problems studied indicated a delayed improvement in diet, suggesting an urgent need for preventive and effective interventions to promote healthy eating.


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Cómo citar

Azeredo de LIMA, L., Borges NEDEL, F. ., Anselmo OLINTO, M. T., & BALDISSEROTTO, J. . (2023). Food habits of hypertensive and diabetics cared for in a Primary Health Care service in the South of Brazil. Revista De Nutrição, 28(2). Recuperado a partir de

