Impact of an Interdisciplinary Food, Nutrition and Health Education Program for adolescent Brazilian volleyball players


  • Natália Vilela Silva DANIEL Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Luana Pilon JÜRGENSEN Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Ricardo da Costa PADOVANI Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Claudia Ridel JUZWIAK Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Palabras clave:

Athletes, Feeding behavior, Food and nutrition education


To evaluate the impact of an Interdisciplinary Food, Nutrition and Health Education Program on nutrition knowledge, intention to change eating behavior, and body dissatisfaction of adolescent volleyball players.

The sample consisted of 10 female volleyball players from the juvenile category of the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, who participated in a program with eight monthly meetings (one discussion group followed by six educational activities and one final discussion group for evaluation).

Nutrition knowledge, body perception, intention to change eating behavior, eating attitudes and practices were investigated using questionnaires and discussion groups before and after the athletes’ participation in ludic activities designed to address nutrition strategies for athletic performance and healthy eating, and how to deal with pressure for results and self-image. Nutrition knowledge improved from 57.0%±9.9 to 63.0%±11.8 (p=0.03) of correct answers. The mean body distortion score did not change (70.0±14.9 versus 76.5±22.4,p=0.235). Six athletes advanced in their intention to change eating behavior. Positive food practices were
reported during the program and the identified discourses indicated the intention of changing the daily eating habits in the future.

The program had a positive impact on nutrition knowledge and intention of changing eating behavior; however, for other issues, especially involving emotional aspects, further interventions should be planned. 


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Cómo citar

Vilela Silva DANIEL, N. ., Pilon JÜRGENSEN, L. ., da Costa PADOVANI, R., & Ridel JUZWIAK, C. . (2023). Impact of an Interdisciplinary Food, Nutrition and Health Education Program for adolescent Brazilian volleyball players. Revista De Nutrição, 29(4). Recuperado a partir de

