Skipping breakfast and associated factors among Brazilian adolescents


  • Rosemeyre França de Paula FIUZA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Ana Paula MURARO Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Paulo Rogério Melo RODRIGUES Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Edilayane de Meneses Sousa SENA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Márcia Gonçalves FERREIRA Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Palabras clave:

Adolescent, Breakfast, Life style, Obesity


To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with breakfast skipping among adolescents.

Cross-sectional study, with adolescents aged 10–17 years, evaluated between 2009 and 2011, belonging to a cohort study in the Central-West region of Brazil. Breakfast skipping was considered as not having breakfast every day. Demographic, socioeconomic, and lifestyle factors were evaluated through a questionnaire. Anthropometric assessment included measurement of weight and height, which were used to classify weight status using body mass index. Poisson regression was used to assess the association of breakfast skipping with demographic and socioeconomic variables, lifestyle factors, and weight status.

Among 1,716 Brazilian adolescents evaluated, 36.2% reported not consuming breakfast every day, with the highest prevalence among girls (p=0.03). After adjusting for age and economic class, breakfast skipping was associated with not consuming breakfast with parents and morning shift at school, in both genders, and with obesity only in boys. Lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, physical activity, diet quality, and smoking were not associated with skipping breakfast.

The omission of breakfast was observed in more than a third of adolescents, being associated with demographic and lifestyle factors. In the public health perspective, the importance of encouraging the consumption of this meal is highlighted, with actions involving the school environment and the family. 


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Cómo citar

França de Paula FIUZA, R., MURARO, A. P. ., Melo RODRIGUES, P. R., de Meneses Sousa SENA, E. ., & Gonçalves FERREIRA, M. . (2023). Skipping breakfast and associated factors among Brazilian adolescents. Revista De Nutrição, 30(5). Recuperado a partir de

