Nutritional potential of leaves and tubers of crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam.)


  • Vanessa Bernardi BRAGA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Maitê de Moraes VIEIRA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Ingrid Bergman Inchausti de BARROS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Palabras clave:

Chemical analysis, Food analysis, Nutrients, Nutritive value, Tropaeolaceae


To determine the centesimal composition of minerals, fatty acids and vitamin C of leaves and tubers of crem, and to discuss the nutritional potential of the T. pentaphyllum species.

The centesimal composition of protein, lipid, fi ber, ash and carbohydrate was determined by gravimetric analysis. Mineral composition was determined by optical emission spectrometry. Vitamin C was determined by dinitrophenylhydrazine method. Fatty acids were determined by gas chromatography. The percentage of recommended dietary intake of leaves and tubers of crem was calculated for each nutrient.

A high content of fi brous fraction (63.07g/100g), potassium (4.55g/100g), magnesium (553.64mg/100g) and sulfur (480.79mg/100g) was observed in the chemical composition of leaves. In tubers, a high carbohydrate content was observed, with 62.60g/100g of starch and 3.43g/100g of fiber, as well as high potassium (0.58g/100g), sulfur (447.14g/100), calcium (205.54g/100g) and phosphorus (530.07g/100g) levels. The vitamin C content of tubers was 78.43mg/100g and the linoleic acid content was 0.455g/100g. The intake of 100g of crem leaves may contribute with 65% of the recommended dietary intake of sulfur. The intake of 100g of crem tuber may contribute with 106% of the recommended dietary intake of sulfur and 21% of the recommended dietary intake of Vitamin C.

The chemical composition of crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam.) tubers and leaves demonstrated an important contribution of nutrients, mainly sulfur, vitamin C and linoleic acid in its tubers, indicating a high nutritional potential of this species.


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Cómo citar

Bernardi BRAGA, V. ., de Moraes VIEIRA, M. ., & Bergman Inchausti de BARROS, I. . (2023). Nutritional potential of leaves and tubers of crem (Tropaeolum pentaphyllum Lam.). Revista De Nutrição, 31(4). Recuperado a partir de

