Food guide pyramids

a semiotic way of reading


  • Haydée Serrão LANZILLOTTI Instituto de Nutrição, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
  • Sílvia Regina Magalhães COUTO Departamento de Nutrição, Universidade Gama Filho.
  • Fernanda da Motta AFONSO Departamento de Nutrição, Universidade Gama Filho.


food habits, nutrition, food guide pyramid


Semiotics is a science that systematizes and reveals the world of signs, describing and classifying them according to logic. There are three kinds of sign: icons, indexes and symbols. The food guide pyramids are, in first place, icons, which can develop into symbols. Considering the focus of Nutrition, the food guide pyramids are considered as orientation tools that can transmit knowledge related to feeding considered adequate. The objective of this paper was to show the communicative potential of the food guide pyramids from the semiotics perspective. In this trial, three food guide pyramids were analyzed. The United States Department of Agriculture, 1992, Philippi, 1999 and Willet & Stampfer, 2003. In every food guide pyramid the hierarchic “level” in which a group of foods is found is the primordial informative element.


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How to Cite

LANZILLOTTI, H. S. ., COUTO, S. R. M. ., & AFONSO, F. da M. . (2023). Food guide pyramids: a semiotic way of reading. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 18(6). Retrieved from