
  • Ana Marlúcia Oliveira ASSIS Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Matildes da Silva PRADO Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maria do Carmo Soares de FREITAS Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maisa Martins CRUZ Universidade Federal da Bahia


vitamin A de.frciency, energetic proteinic malnutrition, rural area


This research studied the association between vitamin A deÍtciency and energetic proteinic malnutrition. This survey included 161 children from 6 to 72 months of age, from families of small peasants in rural areas of a semiarid region in Bahia, Brazil. The nutrüional status was evaluated according to height/age, weight/age and weight/height indiccúors in < - 2.oo standard deviation (SD) gf the population of reference a\'erage {National Center of Health Statistics-NCHS). According to these indicators malnutrition reaches 32.9%, 15.5% and 1.9% of children, respectively. Vitamin A nutritional status was evaluated bv the spectrophotometric method gf Besse}’-Loww modIfIed by Araujo and Flores. The prevalence qt low plasma retinol levels (19.9 to 10 Hg/dl) was oÍ40.4%; the level which ruas considered de.ficient (< - 10 pg/dl) reached 4.3% o.f the cases, totalizing 44.7%, oÍchildren with vitawlin A de.ncienc}’. The prevalence ratio and conftdence intelvaI were adopted respectively as association nreasure cmd signjftcance. The main available dietetical source of vitamin Afor those children \tas represented by carotenoids especially beta-carotene, The energetic proteinic lnalnutrition was not associated to vitamin À dqnciency in that group of children. 


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How to Cite

Oliveira ASSIS, A. M. ., da Silva PRADO, M. ., Soares de FREITAS, M. do C., & Martins CRUZ, M. . (1997). VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY AND ENERGETIC PROTEINIC MALNUTRITION IN CHILDREN FROM SEMIARID AREAS IN BAHIA, BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 10(1). Retrieved from

