
  • Sandra Ozeloto LEMES UNIFESP
  • Denise Elly Bellotto de MORAES UNIFESP
  • Márcia Regina VÍTOLO UNIFESP


Psvchoph\’siologic disorders, nutritional disorders, child, anorexia nervosa, obesity, bulimia


The psychosomatics has been widely integrated to several areas of study . The objective of this work is to discuss, under a psychosomatic prospect, the nutritional disorders found in children and the psychical bases oÍthese disorders. Diffrculties in the mother-child ties may contribute to somatic repercussions. The adequacy of mother’s answers to the child’s physiological and emotional needs contributes to a harmonious functioning, in the same
way that mother’s diftculties in understanding the child’s demands may facilitate the development of ps)'chosomatic disorders. In this way, thefrrst confticts in the mother-child interaction fInd their expression in the nutritional sphere. Anorexia, obesity, bulimia, ruminaüon and regurgitation are among the more relevant aspects of the nutritional disorders. The therapeutic approach of these disorders may, as much as possible, be
conducted by a muttiprofessional team, since the causes are based on several factors . Thus, the best assistance should always consider the link between the physical and psychicat bases as exposed in the text.


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How to Cite

LEMES, S. O., Bellotto de MORAES, D. E. ., & VÍTOLO, M. R. (1997). PSYCHOSOMATIC BASES OF NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS IN CHILDHOOD. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 10(1). Retrieved from

