Malnutrition prevalence in children with solid tumors


  • Adriana GARÓFOLO Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Eliana Monteiro CARAN Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Nasjla Saba SILVA Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Fábio Ancona LOPEZ Universidade Federal de São Paulo


children, nutritional status, neoplasms, nephroblastoma, child nutrition disorders


To evaluate the malnutrition prevalence in children and adolescents with solid tumors, who received treatment
in a Brazilian oncology center.
44 patients were evaluated during the first month of the oncology therapy, using anthropometric measures
and, according to the World Health Organization criteria, the Z-scores of weight/age, height/age, and weight/
The Z-scores of weight/age, height/age, and weight/height showed 16%, 7% e 16% of malnutrition, respectively.
Prevalence of malnutrition was observed in 27% of patients with cerebral tumors, 25% of those with
neuroblastomas, and 11% of those with Wilms tumor.
The high prevalence of malnutrition in this population, may be associated with the disease, its treatment, and
the social and economic factors. Nonetheless, failure to identify nutritional risk, due to the lack of a nutritional
protocol, may be another cause of malnutrition in patients with solid tumors.


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How to Cite

GARÓFOLO, A. ., Monteiro CARAN, E. ., Saba SILVA, N., & Ancona LOPEZ, F. (2023). Malnutrition prevalence in children with solid tumors. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 18(2). Retrieved from

