Review articles: contributions with approach in the Nutrition Science


  • Vera Lucia CHIARA Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Sonia Elza CHIARA Centro Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro


review article, research methodological, research


The objective of this work is to contribute with the scientific production of review articles based on quantitative
research, updating knowledge on a particular theme. This work aims specifically at beginning researchers.
It covers the use of some theoretical-methodological instruments, the required caution when reading source
articles, the knowledge enrichment and the proper way to expose the acquired knowledge. Additionally, it
points out the many aspects involved in discussing the chosen theme, highlighting and giving examples of the
scope of methodological resources that need to be respected even in literature review articles. Finally, the
article advices on the commitment to quality research requires and on how to prepare and present the
resulting material it in the proper scientific manner.


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How to Cite

CHIARA, V. L. ., & CHIARA, S. E. . (2023). Review articles: contributions with approach in the Nutrition Science. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 19(1). Retrieved from