Calcium intake and anthropometric indicators in adolescents


  • Luana Caroline dos SANTOS Universidade de São Paulo
  • Lígia Araújo MARTINI Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sílvia Nascimento de FREITAS Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Isa de Pádua CINTRA Universidade Federal de São Paulo


adolescent, anthropometry, calcium, students


This study was undertaken to determine the relationship between calcium intake and anthropometric indicators in adolescents.

Students (n=507) from two public and one private schools of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, were assessed by means of a questionnaire on socioeconomic conditions, sexual maturity, anthropometry, body composition and food intake.

The mean calcium intake was 703.7 (396.0) mg/day and the school with the highest socioeconomic level presented the highest mean intake. Only 8% of the adolescents presented an intake above the recommended intake. Body mass index was inversely associated with calcium (r=-0.203, p=0.001) in the school of intermediate socioeconomic level and also in adolescents with dietary calcium intake between 400 and 800 mg/day (r=-0.134, p=0.044).

These results showed that calcium intake was insufficient among the adolescents of Ouro Preto, indicating the need to stimulate the consumption of calcium-rich foods in this population. 


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How to Cite

dos SANTOS, L. C. ., Araújo MARTINI, L. ., Nascimento de FREITAS, S. ., & de Pádua CINTRA, I. . (2023). Calcium intake and anthropometric indicators in adolescents. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 20(3). Retrieved from

