In vitro and in vivo evaluation of iron bioavailability from microencapsulated ferrous sulfate
biological availability, drug compounding, ironAbstract
To evaluate, by in vitro and in vivo methods, the bioavailability of a new microencapsulated ferrous sulfate (Ferlim) developed for food fortification, and compare it with electrolytic iron (Fe0).
In vitro dialyzability assessment used reconstituted milk powder as matrix. In vivo assessment using the hemoglobin regeneration method in anemic piglets lasted for 13 days and the animals (n=23) were grouped according to the product of weight (kg) x hemoglobin (g/dL). FeSO4.7H2O was used as control.
The percentages of dialyzed iron were 2.2 (standard deviation=0.1)%, 3.4 (standard deviation=0.1)% and 3.6 (standard deviation=0.0)% for FeSO4.7H2O, Ferlim and Fe0 respectively (p<0.05). Iron absorption was 16.0 (standard deviation=3.1)% for the control group, 15.1 (standard deviation=3.8)% for the Ferlim group and 12.8 (standard deviation=4.3)% for the Fe0 group; the differences were not significant (p>0.05). The absorption percentages of the relative biological value of FeSO4.7H2O were 94.2 (standard deviation=23.8)% for the Ferlim group and 79.7 (standard deviation=26.6)% for the Fe0 group; the differences were not significant (p>0.05). In numerical values (p>0.05), the Fe0 group presented the lowest mean relative biological value absorption (%) and concentration of total iron, heme iron and non-heme iron in the liver.
Microencapsulation of ferrous sulfate with alginate retains its bioavailability therefore it is a good alternative for the fortification of solid mixtures.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Lucia COCATO, Maria Inês RÉ, Messias Alves TRINDADE NETO, Helena Pontes CHIEBAO, Célia COLLI

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