Evaluation of parenteral nutrition efficiency in supplying energy for pediatric oncology patientsçp jbv '


  • Adriana GARÓFOLO Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Susiane Gusi BOIN Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Patrícia Claudia MODESTO Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Antonio Sérgio PETRILLI Universidade Federal de São Paulo


neoplasms, energy metabolism, parenteral nutrition, nutrition therapy


The objective of this study was to evaluate parenteral nutrition efficiency in supplying energy for pediatric oncology patients, indications and main difficulties in the procedure.

This was an observational descriptive study done from July 2003 to July 2004 at the Pediatric Oncology Institute of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Inclusion criteria: hospitalized cancer patients receiving parenteral. Energy adequateness was analyzed by equations that calculated basal energy expenditure adjusted for initial progression.

Forty-one (4%) of the 1016 hospitalized patients received parenteral nutrition: 54% were males and received parenteral nutrition for a median of 10 days (1-51). Fifty-six percent of the episodes did not reach the adjusted basal energy expenditure; 26% remained between 100 and 120% and 18% were above 120%. The mean djusted basal energy expenditure was 106% with a standard deviation of 38% and a median of 96%. The reasons associated with difficulties to achieve the basal energy expenditure were metabolic intolerance, non-exclusive parenteral nutrition, suspension or interruption of its use, prescription without discussing with
nutritionist and use of peripheral route. Parenteral nutrition was mainly indicated in gastrointestinal toxicity. The discarded volume of parenteral nutrition was above 10% in 17 of 35 episodes (49%). Protection from room light (cover) assessed in 19 patients during the days of administration detected an absence of 37 of 315 days (12%).

Energy supply did not meet the demands of a high percentage of the patients, mainly because of the severity of the clinical scenario, interruptions and non-exclusive use, reducing the amount of time available to administer the nutrition. A multidisciplinary team which would improve the efficiency of the procedures could reduce the losses, guaranteeing a more adequate supply and increasing the benefits of parenteral nutrition. 


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How to Cite

GARÓFOLO, A. ., Gusi BOIN, S. ., MODESTO, P. C. ., & PETRILLI, A. S. . (2023). Evaluation of parenteral nutrition efficiency in supplying energy for pediatric oncology patientsçp jbv ’. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 20(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9665

