Body dissatisfaction in school children from two cities in the South of Brazil
child, body image, obesityAbstract
The objective of this study is to assess the prevalence of body dissatisfaction among students and identify the associated factors in two small cities in the south of Brazil.
A cross-sectional study with 573 students aging from 8 to 10 years old from the cities of Dois Irmãos and Morro Reuter, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected on the children’s body dissatisfaction and weight through a corporal image scale (Children’s figure rating scale) and anthropometry. The mothers answered a questionnaire on preoccupations and perceptions regarding the child’s weight. The body mass index was utilized for nutritional status classification. A logistic regression analysis was done to determine associations between the studied variables and body dissatisfaction.
The prevalence of body dissatisfaction was about 63.9% and 16.9% were overweight. The variables associated with body dissatisfaction were: risk for obesity (Odds ratio=2.91; IC95% 1.26-6.74); obesity (Odds ratio=4.47; IC95% 1.12-17.9); living in urban area (Odds ratio=1.75; IC95% 1.03-2.97); mothers with less than eight years of formal education (Odds ratio=1.57; IC95% 1.03-2.40); evaluation, according to mother, that the child’s weight was below or above the adequate weight (Odds ratio=1.65; IC95% 1.05-2.59) and child worried with their own weight (Odds ratio=1.53; IC95% 1.05-2.23).
A high prevalence of body dissatisfaction is also observed in preadolescents of small cities. The data generated by this study are enough to alert parents, educators and health professionals for the necessity to develop strategies that aim to improve the child’s satisfaction with their own body.
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