Current aspects of the relationship between physical exercise, oxidative stress and magnesium


  • Aline Guimarães AMORIM Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Julio TIRAPEGUI Universidade de São Paulo


Magnesium deficiency, Oxidative stress, Exercise, Magnesium


This article contributes to updated information about the relationship between exercise, oxidative stress and magnesium. There are few studies that discuss free radical production in this context. Magnesium deficiency alters cellular and mitochondrial membrane fluidity and promotes disturbances on calcium homeostasis and on the activity of antioxidant defenses. During exercise, lack of magnesium in muscle tissue turns them more susceptible to macrophage and neutrophil infiltration and to sarcolema damage, impairing the regeneration process and leading to decreased physical performance. In conclusion, the metabolic role of magnesium
deficiency on exercise-induced oxidative stress should be further researched, focusing on its effects on skeletal muscle in individuals who practice regular physical exercise and in marginal magnesium deficiency. 


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How to Cite

Guimarães AMORIM, A. ., & TIRAPEGUI, J. (2023). Current aspects of the relationship between physical exercise, oxidative stress and magnesium. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 21(5). Retrieved from