Self-discrepancy in body image and diet


  • Patrícia KANNO Universidade Católica de Brasília
  • Misael RABELO Universidade Católica de Brasília
  • Gislane Ferreira de MELO Universidade Católica de Brasília
  • Adriana GIAVONI Universidade Católica de Brasília


Feeding behavior, Food and Nutrition Education, Obesity, Risk Groups Nutrition


This study evaluated the discrepancy between actual and ideal body images of obese individuals and listed changes in the dietary behaviors used to achieve this ideal body image.

The sample was composed of 25 obese individuals with a mean age of 39.24 years (standard deviation=5.01) where 76% were females. Two instruments were used for this end: the Physical Appearance Scale whose factorial analysis extracted a single factor “Physical Appearance” with an accuracy of α=0.74 for women and α=0.73 for men and the Food Priority Questionnaire which was developed to group items in categories of the food pyramid. Paired T-tests were done to compare differences between actual and ideal body images and actual and ideal eating behaviors.

The results revealed differences between ideal and actual body images and the former was more positive than the latter. Regarding dietary behavior, the results showed that consumption of meats and black coffee diminished and consumption of fruits and vegetables increased to achieve the ideal body image. However, the sample would not change their dietary habits regarding the consumption of grains, dairy, oils and fats, sweets and soft drinks.

Although, the results showed differences in perception of body image, the sample would not change their habits regarding the categories on the top of the food pyramid. 


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How to Cite

KANNO, P. ., RABELO, M., Ferreira de MELO, G., & GIAVONI, A. . (2023). Self-discrepancy in body image and diet. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 21(4). Retrieved from

