Association between stunting and developmental delay in helminth-infected children and adolescents


  • Thaisy Cristina Honorato Santos ALVES Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Rita de Cássia Ribeiro SILVA Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Ana Marlúcia Oliveira ASSIS Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maria da Conceição Monteiro da SILVA Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Mônica Leila Portela de SANTANA Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Mônica Leila Portela de SANTANA Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Maurício Lima BARRETO Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Mitermayer Galvão REIS Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Isabel Martin PARRAGA Case Western Reserve University
  • Ronald Edward BLANTON Case Western Reserve University


Adolescent, Child, Growth and development


The objective of this study is to assess the influence of stunting on the developmental delay of helminth-infected children and adolescents.

The sample of this cross-sectional study consisted of 1,764 subjects of both sexes from the city of Jequié (Bahia, Brazil), aged 7 to 17 years, infected with helminths (either Schistosoma mansoni alone or associated with associated with geohelminths). All subjects underwent anthropometric and Tanner stage assessment, and stool testing. Data on the family’s socioeconomic status and sanitary conditions of the household were also collected. The data was analyzed by multivariate logistic regression.

The results of this study show a prevalence of stunting of 15.4% and an association between stunting and pubertal delay (0R=4.01; CI 95% 1.01-15.8). The negative impact of malnutrition on the production of both sexual and growth-related hormones may explain this association.

These findings suggest that inadequate nutrition contributes to developmental delay. This shows the importance of intervention strategies that guarantee better living and health conditions and nutrition for proper development. 


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How to Cite

Honorato Santos ALVES, T. C. ., Ribeiro SILVA, R. de C., Oliveira ASSIS, A. M. ., Monteiro da SILVA, M. da C. ., Portela de SANTANA, M. L. ., Portela de SANTANA, M. L. ., … Edward BLANTON, R. . (2023). Association between stunting and developmental delay in helminth-infected children and adolescents. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 22(3). Retrieved from

