Association between eating behavior and smoking, use of illicit drugs and depressive episodes in adolescents


  • Juliany Piazzon GOMES Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Elto LEGNANI Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Rosimeide Francisco dos Santos LEGNANI Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Nicolly Patrícia GREGÓRIO Universidade Paranaense
  • Raphael Klein de SOUZA Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Adolescent, Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Eating disorders


The goal of this study was to identify the prevalence of symptoms of eating disorders in female students enrolled in state elementary schools and investigate a possible association between these eating disorders and
smoking, illicit drug use and depressive episodes.

The Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh with symptom and severity scales and the Eating Attitudes Test - 26 with additional questions on smoking, illicit drug use and depressive episodes were used. The sample consisted of roughly 300 female students aged 10 to 15 years.

The results showed that 4.2% and 3.6% of the students presented symptoms of eating disorders according to the Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh and Eating Attitudes Test - 26, respectively. The rates of smoking, illicit drug use and depressive episodes were 4.2%, 4.9% and 10.7%, respectively. Depressive episodes were significantly associated with the following parameters: Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh - symptom scale (p=0.04) and Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh - severity scale (p=0.02). Smoking (p=0.01) and illicit drug use (p=0.04) were also associated with the Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh - symptom scale.

This study found that these students were at high risk of developing risky behaviors, such as eating disorders and depressive episodes. 


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How to Cite

Piazzon GOMES, J. ., LEGNANI, E. ., dos Santos LEGNANI, R. F., GREGÓRIO, N. P., & de SOUZA, R. K. (2023). Association between eating behavior and smoking, use of illicit drugs and depressive episodes in adolescents. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(5). Retrieved from

