Homemade oral supplement: a proposal for the nutritional recovery of children and adolescents with cancer


  • Fernanda Rodrigues ALVES Hospital Samaritano de São Paulo
  • Adriana GARÓFOLO Instituto Adriana Garófolo
  • Priscila dos Santos MAIA Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Fernando José de NÓBREGA Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Antonio Sergio PETRILLI Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Adolescents, Neoplasms, Child, Malnutrition, Nutritional support


The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of homemade oral supplements on the nutritional recovery of patients with mild or severe malnutrition or at nutritional risk.

Eight recipes of homemade oral supplements containing 30% to 35% of the total energy expenditure were proposed. The patients with severe malnutrition (group B) received the oral supplement for 2 weeks and the others for 4 weeks (group A). Oral supplementation with homemade supplements was compared with oral supplementation with store-bought supplements, investigated earlier with a protocol with the same design.

Homemade oral supplements contain much lower amounts of certain micronutrients but are five times cheaper than store-bought supplements. In group A, 88% of the patients taking homemade oral supplements and 84% of the patients taking store-bought supplements responded positively to supplementation. In group B, 22% of the patients taking homemade oral supplements and 25% of the patients taking store-bought supplements recovered. The difference was not significant. The impact of store-bought supplementation on the triceps skinfold thicknesses and arm circumferences of the patients in group A was greater than that
obtained with homemade supplements. In group B, the effect on triceps skinfold thickness was not significant (p=0.16). Patients taking homemade or store-bought oral supplements presented similar protein and energy intakes and improvements in nutritional status. Only the body composition of patients in group A taking store-bought oral supplements was better.

The results obtained by this study suggest that the therapeutic use of homemade oral supplements is an alternative capable of promoting the nutritional recovery of cancer patients, especially those who cannot afford store-bought supplements.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues ALVES, F. ., GARÓFOLO, A. ., dos Santos MAIA, P. ., de NÓBREGA, F. J. ., & PETRILLI, A. S. (2023). Homemade oral supplement: a proposal for the nutritional recovery of children and adolescents with cancer. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(5). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/nutricao/article/view/9408

