Adherence to a nutritional counseling program for adults with excess weight and comorbidities


  • Norma Gonzaga GUIMARÃES Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal
  • Eliane Said DUTRA Universidade de Brasília
  • Marina Kiyomi ITO Universidade de Brasília
  • Kenia Mara Baiocchi de CARVALHO Universidade de Brasília


Nutritional counseling, Adherence, Adults, Obesity


The objective of this study was to verify adherence to a nutritional group counseling program for patients with excess weight and comorbidities.

This was an analytical, open, controlled, intervention study. Eighty adults from both genders with a body mass index ranging from 25 to 35kg/m² with two or more associated cardiovascular risk factors were randomly allocated to two groups for a three-month follow-up. The intervention group with nutritional group counseling received personalized care and participated in six group meetings to discuss healthy eating and physical activity, with group dynamics and participatory method. The control group was given standard personalized care in three outpatient visits. The parameters of adherence to treatment were the dietary repercussions before and after the intervention and attendance to the meetings.

Thirty-three participants concluded the study. In all, 45.8% and 40.7% of intervention group and control group, respectively, had excellent attendance. The main barriers to adherence to treatment were the need of eating out (46.7% - control group) and the difficulty of putting their knowledge to use, especially in social occasions (33.3% - intervention group). There was a significant increase in the mean percentage use of natural seasonings and in the number of daily meals of both groups after the intervention. However, there was no significant decrease in energy intake within groups or between groups.

Despite the breadth of the content and the use of a participatory method in the intervention group, adherence was not enough to change the main dietary parameters significantly. A deeper, continuous and multidisciplinary behavioral approach should be object of further investigations. 


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How to Cite

Gonzaga GUIMARÃES, N. ., Said DUTRA, E. ., Kiyomi ITO, M. ., & Baiocchi de CARVALHO, K. M. . (2023). Adherence to a nutritional counseling program for adults with excess weight and comorbidities. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(3). Retrieved from

