Night eating syndrome: conceptual, epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects


  • Ana Beatriz Cauduro HARB Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Wolnei CAUMO Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Priscila RAUPP Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Maria Paz Loayza HIDALGO Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Appetite, Nocturnal eating, Night Eating Syndrome, Sleep, Circadian rhythm


Behavior and eating patterns are complex, involve metabolic, physiological and environmental aspects and have inherited and species-specific circadian rhythmicity, with humans being essentially diurnal. The aim of this study is to describe the night eating syndrome, characterized by a delay of the circadian eating patterns and mediated by neuroendocrine stress. A review of the literature found in the Pubmed, Lilacs and Sirus databases published between 1955 and 2007 was done. The keywords used were: night eating syndrome, sleep, circadian rhythm, appetite, nocturnal eating. A total of 74 articles were found of which 26 were
selected, whose central theme was the night eating syndrome. Despite all the studies done, there is still long way to go to understand the genesis of the night eating syndrome and its intrinsic relation with other physiological and pathogenic processes. Given that this syndrome is linked to the control of hunger and satiety and to the desynchronization between the eating rhythm and sleep / wake rhythm, understanding its genetic process can reveal the impact that the desynchronization of circadian eating rhythms has on the health-disease process and help understand the factors involved in the rising rates of obesity in modern


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How to Cite

Cauduro HARB, A. B. ., CAUMO, W., RAUPP, P., & Loayza HIDALGO, M. P. . (2023). Night eating syndrome: conceptual, epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 23(1). Retrieved from