“Healthy child education project, the best education”
results with and without the dietician’s intervention
Children, Feed and nutritional education, Education, higher, NutritionistAbstract
In this study, a dietician planned and implemented a nutrition counseling program for first through fourth grade elementary school teachers. The objective was to analyze the contribution of this professional to the result of the project “Healthy Child, Outstanding Education”, regarding the students’ knowledge.
The program was implemented in two public schools - A and B, in which an education project was developed. In School A, the teachers had the support of a counseling program provided by a dietician. The students’ knowledge on food and nutrition was assessed before and after the implementation of the education project.
Knowledge on food and nutrition among School A students changed significantly (p<0.01) after the implementation of the education program. This did not occur among School B students (p>0.05).
The results suggest that the counseling program administered by a dietician for teachers to develop the education project maximized the results. The knowledge gained by the students on food and nutrition was significant. These results show the importance of training a dietician to provide nutrition education. The education field deserves more attention in undergraduate courses so that the student and future professional gain a solid and well-founded understanding of the education process.
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