Inulin-type fructans and calcium absorption enhancement: a systematic review


  • Vanessa Dias CAPRILES Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • José Alfredo Gomes ARÊAS Universidade de São Paulo


Calcium, Bone density, Fructans, Inulin


We performed a systematic review of literature regarding the effects of inulin-type fructans consumption on calcium absorption. Results of four from seven double-blind randomized controlled clinical trials revised in this work showed that daily consumption of fructans mixture (inulin and oligofructose 1:1) increases calcium absorption, depending on the chronological and physiological age, and menopausal status of healthy individuals who consume adequate amounts of calcium. Due to the limited number of clinical trials and the differences on the experimental design, follow-up, fructans type (inulin, oligofructose or their mixture) and quantity consumed, and the individuals’ age, the results cannot be generalized. This review demonstrates the need for more long-term follow-up clinical trial, in which both calcium absorption and bone mineral density are measured. Further studies may help understand the mechanisms underlying the effects of inulin-type fructans on calcium absorption, and to evaluate if the increased calcium absorption is long-term persistence and if it can be translated into real benefits to bone health; and also to test whether these effects could benefit individuals with other age groups and in different physiological conditions. Consistent accumulated scientific evidences are still necessary to consider inulin-type fructans consumption as a prevention strategy for osteoporosis.


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How to Cite

Dias CAPRILES, V., & Alfredo Gomes ARÊAS, J. (2023). Inulin-type fructans and calcium absorption enhancement: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 25(1). Retrieved from

