Trans fatty acids: nutritional implications and sources in the diet


  • Clayton Antunes MARTIN Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Makoto MATSHUSHITA Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Nilson Evelázio de SOUZA Universidade Estadual de Maringá


trans fatty acids, coronary heart disease, sources, diet


This article review the main sources of trans fatty acids in the diet and nutritional implications of the high intake of these isomers. Analytical methods for the identification and quantification of trans fatty acids are presented briefly with regard to advantages and drawbacks of each method. Foods make with partially hidrogenated fats are important sources of trans isomers in the diets of most people in industrialized countries. It is made a comparison between levels of trans fatty acids in shortenings, margarines and potato chips evaluated in Brazil and in other countries. High levels of trans isomers are noted in Brazilian foods.


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How to Cite

Antunes MARTIN, C., MATSHUSHITA, M. ., & Evelázio de SOUZA, N. . (2023). Trans fatty acids: nutritional implications and sources in the diet. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 17(3). Retrieved from