Psychobiological aspects of feeding behavior


  • Rosana Passos Beinner CAMBRAIA Faculdades Federais Integradas de Diamantina


feeding, neurosciences, feeding behavior, eating disorders


This review shows how some psychobiological aspects are related to feeding behavior manifestation, and has as it objective to provide evidence as to the relation between neuropsychological processes and nutritional neuroscience. Several neural structures are associated with alimentary controls, which are distinct but correlated mechanisms; for example: hypothalamus, hypocampus, cerebellum, olfactory bulb, pituitary and pineal glands, all presenting distinct functions, but affecting feeding behavior directly or indirectly through common neurotransmitters. Neurochemical precursors present specific functions and their influence on feeding is evident in behavioral food selection. The sensory processes in feeding, principally taste, olfaction, vision and hearing, interact with other neural structures and pathways, thus participating in appetite and satiety, which results in the beginning and end of feeding. The interaction between neural aspects concerning food consumption promotes the manifestation of specific feeding behavior for each specie in their environment.


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How to Cite

Passos Beinner CAMBRAIA, R. . (2023). Psychobiological aspects of feeding behavior. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 17(2). Retrieved from