
  • Estelamaris Tronco MONEGO Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Maria do Rosário Gondini PEIXOTO Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Paulo César Veiga JARDIM Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Ana Luiza Lima SOUSA Universidade Federal de Goiás


light, food, food formulated, diet, sweetning agents


The exploration of products called dietetic has been increasing in a vertiginous proportion, by both the food industry and the consumer. The lack of an explicit legislation, which sets more appropriate procedures, causes a conceptual confusion and, consequently, difficultates the adequate utilization of the foodsthemselves, considered as “diet”, “light" or*low calorie". Inthe attempt to systemize the (scarce) bibliographic references about the subject, it was proceeded a review with the objetive of makingthe utilization of such products more accessible, allowing the professional of health to have better conditions to advise patients who need to make use of them.


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How to Cite

MONEGO, E. T., PEIXOTO, M. do R. G., JARDIM, P. C. V., & SOUSA, A. L. L. (1994). DIETETIC FOOD: A PRATICAL VIEW. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 7(1). Retrieved from