Interrelationships between policies and action knowledge regarding food and nutrition issues


  • Luciene BURLANDY Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Ruben Araujo de MATTOS Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Educational and research institutions, and representatives from governments and Brazilian civil society organizations have been sharing the construction of “Knowledge” and the formulation and implementation of “Policies” and “Action” strategies for food and nutrition issues. Brazil has instituted national policies through socially participative processes, such as the Food and Nutrition and Food and Nutrition Security Policies. The now formal legislation expresses the possible pacts in a given historical context and reflects, only partially, the richness of the political process in course.



How to Cite

BURLANDY, L. ., & MATTOS, R. A. de . (2023). Interrelationships between policies and action knowledge regarding food and nutrition issues. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 25(1). Retrieved from