Nutritional profile of newborns of adolescent mothers supplemented with iron, in different concentrations, zinc and pholic acid


  • Nadir do Nascimento NOGUEIRA Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Antônio da Silva MACÊDO Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Joaquim Vaz PARENTE Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Sílvia Maria Franciscato COZZOLINO Universidade de São Paulo


newborn infant, adolescence, pregnancy, supplementary feeding


The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional status of newborn infants of low income adolescent mothers, aged up to 18 years old, supplemented during pregnancy with iron, in different concentrations, zinc and folic acid. These mothers received prenatal care supervision in the Institute of Social Perinatology of Piauí, Dona Evangelina Rosa Maternity, located in the city of Teresina, Piauí, Northeast of Brazil. The adolescents were distributed at random into five groups: groups I and II received constant quantities of folicc acid (250 μg) and different iron concentrations, in the form of iron sulfate (120 and 80 mg, respectively); groups III and IV received constant quantities of folic acid (250 μg) associated to zinc sulfate (5 μg) and iron in the concentrations of 120 and 80 mg, respectively; and group V, considered control, received only 120 mg of iron (Institution routine). The evaluation of the nutritional status of 74 newborn infants was done through data referring to their age, weight, height and cephalic perimeter, on the occasion of their birth. According to the results, the averages of weight (3000 ± 418g), height ( 48.07 ± 2,15 cm) and cephalic perimeter (33.53 ± 1,50 cm) found in children of group V mothers (local routine) did not present significant differences in relation to the intervention groups. The newborn infants of adolescents supplemented with iron in different concentrations (120 and 80 mg), zinc and folic acid, presented a good nutritional profile. However, it was not observed, between the intervention groups and the control, significant differences in the pregnancy duration or in the nutritional status of the babies.


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How to Cite

do Nascimento NOGUEIRA, N. ., da Silva MACÊDO, A., Vaz PARENTE, J. ., & Franciscato COZZOLINO, S. M. . (2002). Nutritional profile of newborns of adolescent mothers supplemented with iron, in different concentrations, zinc and pholic acid. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 15(2). Retrieved from

