
  • Silvana Mariana SREBERNICH Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas
  • Antenor PIZZINATTO Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL)


eggs in macaroni, eggs, soy protein, technical feasibility


The eggs normally used in macaroni were replaced by soy protein in the form of both protein concentrate (70% protein) and protein isolate (90% protein), in the proportions of 50% and 100%. The macaroni produced was evaluated according to its physical, chemical, organoleptic and nutritional characteristics. The results showed the feasibility of substituting 50% (759) of the egags by 409g of protein concentrate. In this case the product received a higher score than the control, mainly due to an increase in cooking volume, the level and quality of the resulting protein and the texture. The other substitutions were not feasible.


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How to Cite

SREBERNICH, S. M., & PIZZINATTO, A. . (1991). SYBEAN PROTEIN AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR EGGS IN MACARONI. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 4(1-2). Retrieved from