
  • Sílvia Maria Custódio das DÔRES Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Sérgio Alberto Rupp de PAIVA Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Álvaro Oscar CAMPANA Universidade Estadual Paulista


vitamin K, philloquinone, biological availability, metabolism, nutrition


The aim of this study was to discuss the aspects that involve the understanding of vitamin K metabolism and recent advances of its role in human nutrition. The paper presents dietary sources, absorption, distribution in the body and metabolism of vitamin K, nutritional recommendations, evaluation of nutritional status related to the vitamin and factors influencing its plasmatic concentration. In the light of evidences about vitamin K role in bone metabolism, further studies are needed to identify the
possible long-term consequences to health of subclinical vitamin K deficiency. A great challenge for researchers and further scientific committees will be certainly concerned with investigation of new nutritional requirements of the vitamin.


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How to Cite

Custódio das DÔRES, S. M., Rupp de PAIVA, S. A., & Oscar CAMPANA, Álvaro . (2001). VITAMIN K: METABOLISM AND NUTRITION. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 14(3). Retrieved from

