
  • Elke Simone Dias VILELA Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
  • Valdemiro Carlos SGARBIERI Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos
  • Izabela Dutra ALVIM Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, integral cells, autolisate, extract, nutritive value


The main objective of this research was to check on the capacity of yeast cells and its derivatives, autolisate and extract, to sustain  weaning rats growth, when part of a standard diet for rat growth American Institute of Nutrition-93G was replaced 10, 20 or 30% in proportion of by a mixture (corn starch + yeast product + soy oil) to maintain the substituted diets isoproteic (20% protein) and
isocaloric. In the modified diets, the yeast products participate in the diets in concentrations of 4, 8 and 12%, respectively. The diets containing different proportions of yeast product promoted equal or better growth than the standard diet. The growth rate of the rats augmented proportionally to the increase of yeast products in the diets. Blood serum determination of uric acid, urea and
transaminases activities showed no evidences of intoxication symptoms by the ingestion of yeast products.


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