
  • Nadia Tavares SOARES Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Augusto Reinaldo Pimentel GUIMARÃES Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Helena Alves de Carvalho SAMPAIO Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Paulo César de ALMEIDA Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Roberta Ribeiro COELHO Universidade Estadual do Ceará


Infant nutritional status, protein-energy malnutrition, infant obesity, iron deficiency anemia


The objective of this study was to characterize the malnutrition prevalence among infants below one year old attended by Christian Fund for Children in two outlying districts of Fortaleza: President Kennedy and Álvaro Weyne. To diagnose the presence of protein energy malnutrition, obesity and iron deficiency anemia, it the following indicators were selected: birth weight < 2500 g, weight/height, height/age and weigth/age < -2 standard deviations below median National Center for Health of Statistics reference population; weight/height >+ 2 standard deviations above median National Center for Health of Statistics reference population; and hemoglobin < 11 g/dl, hematocrit < 32%, mean corpuscular volume < 72 fl and mean corpuscular hemoglobin < 24 pg. Birth weight was obtained during interview, while the other anthropometric measurements and the samples of blood were collected in one of the units of Christian Fund for Children, following the recommended technical procedures. Of the 110 children enrolled, 96 were weighed and measured and 75 made blood test. Data analysis revealed 7% of low birth weight, 10% of chronic malnutrition, 8% of obesity and 60% of anemia. It is possible that diet has contributed to the nutritional damage. It seems essential the accomplishment of studies on food practice in these communities. 


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How to Cite

Tavares SOARES, N. ., Pimentel GUIMARÃES, A. R. ., Alves de Carvalho SAMPAIO, H., de ALMEIDA, P. C., & Ribeiro COELHO, R. . (2000). NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF INFANTS IN SLUM AREAS OF FORTALEZA, BRAZIL. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 13(2). Retrieved from

