
  • Maria Aparecida Vieira Instituto da Criança Prof. Pedro de Alcântara
  • Ilda Nogueira de Lima Instituto da Criança Prof. Pedro de Alcântara
  • Marina Emiko Ivamoto Petilik Instituto da Criança Prof. Pedro de Alcântara


anemia, hemolytic, nutrition, diet therapy, nutritionist


The Authors describe the performance of the Dietitian in a Pediatric Hematology Ambulatory. They emphasize the necessary dietetic procedures for adequate management of children with hemolytic anemia, with and without iron overload. Furthermore, they approach the family’s attitude towards the patient’s nutrition.


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How to Cite

Aparecida Vieira, M. ., Nogueira de Lima, I., & Emiko Ivamoto Petilik, M. . (1999). NUTRITIONAL AMBULATORY APPROACH IN HEMOLYTIC ANEMIA. Brazilian Journal of Nutrition, 12(1). Retrieved from

